Overtime Submission

Overtime hours are on a request basis with prior approvals from management.

Employees can make an Overtime request to inform their managers of the upcoming overtime request which upon approval reflects in filipay timesheets.

Official Business Submission

Official business travel requests are submitted via Leave System which is tracked in Time Management System.

Leave System / Timeoff

Filipay Leave system is where employees enter their leaves/time-off based on the company leave policy which is customizable via leave entitlements. Leaves can be customized to accrue or carry over and entitle to preset value for each company.


Management can suspend an employee with/without pay using the employee suspension module.

Undertime / Late Arrival

Employee's time-in and time-out are captured in timesheets to determine the late arrival or the undertime based on the employee's scheduled hours.


Filipay seamlessly integrates with any biometrics system for time and attendance monitoring which will be used in Time Management.


Filipay inbuilt time tracker can be scheduled for single shift or multiple-shift time schedules for employees to log in their worked hours during their shifts.

Integrated Technology
Meets Helpful Service